Blog Post May 2023
Wow…. What a rollercoaster ride it has been in the Oetjen home. April 10th marks the day that my life changed forever.
I want to first and foremost thank you for your care and concern these past five weeks. We have felt so incredibly loved by your outpouring of prayers, calls, texts, emails, meal gift cards and offers to support in many ways. We are so grateful for the community that surrounds us. We are blessed beyond measure.
Secondly, I want to let you know that I am seeing clients. This situation will not prevent me from doing what I love to do!!
Working with my clients is my passion and on the hard days, reminds me that life is more than the current and temporary circumstance we are in. I have heard from my clients, “I don’t want to bother you during this time.” You clients are my joy and never a bother. So please, do not hesitate to schedule. You are my sunshine on the cloudiest of days.
This situation has changed me and has made me better in many ways. My heart has been changed…. it has softened. My faith has been strengthened and my perspective has been corrected. Although I don’t want this situation, I don’t love being on this rollercoaster ride and I have moments of paralyzing fear, I am joyful and grateful and trying to surrender to the lessons these situations bring.
I remind myself this news is not new to our Lord. He has known this was part of our story and journey and so I trust, I submit, I lean on Him, I depend on Him, I rely on Him, I surrender to Him.
God is good.
God is sovereign.
God is faithful.
God is working all things for the good for those that love Him.
This is what I must claim many times throughout the day. Oh… and the Cody Carnes song “Too Good to Not Believe” is playing over and over in my head and home.
If you have a minute, listen to it and pray it over my husband. Especially the part when he says, “we’ve seen cancer disappear”. AMEN!!! We believe in a God of miracles, and we are open, praying and praising God for His miracles upon miracles.
Some of you are reading this and saying, “what the heck has happened?” I would invite you to read our story, our journey over the past couple months. I am doing my best to articulate and share on Keith’s GoFundMe page. Just look up “Keith Oetjen’s Medical Fund” on go fund me and take a read through our story. God’s hand is all over this situation and if you need to be encouraged, read the GoFundMe page. I will be continuing to update his story on this page.
I don’t know how to get through these life changing situations without the Lord and healthy communication. I am grateful that our family has the tools to communicate about all things…. the good, the bad, the hard, the ugly, the hopeful, the dreadful, the silly, the important, and not so important things.
Connecting with my husband and children is crucial and especially during a time like this because all of us are impacted and are experiencing and struggling with different aspects of what a cancer diagnosis brings. Having the skills and confidence that we are consistently communicating well provides all of us peace and stability during scary and uncertain times.
This has inspired me to highlight the Communication Module this month (Module 8 “Rebuilding”).
Healthy communication is easy and natural when we understand the system of communication and have some simple tools to follow. It does take a desire to learn new things, embrace different ways of engaging and a willingness to practice new skills. But, if we know the formula to follow, it becomes much easier and fruitful. We can then actually get the connection, safety and understanding we desire in our relationships.
We need to first understand why we communicate. So many people think the goal of communication is to reach an agreement. This is why so many people are frustrated in conversations. If their goal is agreement and they don’t get agreement, then they walk away frustrated and irritated and those emotions fuel disconnection and dysregulation…. Leading to even further frustration and isolation.
Do you know what a healthy goal of communication is? Do you know what we need to aim for when we are talking and listening?
I do and I share all of that and sooooo much more in Module 8.
For the rest of May, use promo code “LETSTALK” to receive 35% off Module 8 “Rebuilding”. This module is 3 video sessions long and will take you and 50 minutes each session to complete.
I really want you to have these tools now and when “life” hits the fan.
I have created the Remodeled Life program to help you live a better life ... to help you change what isn't working and replace it with things that you are wanting and needing. With tools that foster the connection you want with yourself, your people, and with God, this program will be the best investment for yourself. It is truly a gift that keeps on giving. It gives to yourself, your family, your friends, and those that you do life with. It really is a gift to all.
Click here to check out all the modules in the Remodeled Life Program.
Remember, you will not regret investing in yourself.... you will only regret not investing in YOU.
And... feel free to reach out to me if you need one-on-one care or have questions about Remodeled Life.