Think of the five adults that you spend the most time with, how much do you enjoy being around them?
They are my people, wouldn't choose to do life with anybody else!
A couple of them bring me joy, but the others I could use a break from.
I know that I really need to surround myself with some new people but I don't know how to change.
I don't spend any time with any adults that I actually like.
When I face conflict...
I shut down and completely disengage
I don't have any conflict in my life
I get raging mad
I stay present in it until it's resolved
When was the last time you laughed so hard you almost peed your pants?
Like five minutes ago
Last week
I haven't laughed too hard, but I did recently pee my pants
People fault me for not having much of a sense of humor
How much sleep do you get (on average) per night?
if you are pregnant or have a newborn, choose based on your average sleep outside of this unique season of life that you're in.
nine plus
seven or eight
five ish
less than four total
When was the last time you did something alone, for yourself, that made you feel energized?
Over a year ago / or before I had kids
This week or last week
Last month
Roughly six months ago
When you woke up this morning, how did you feel?
immediately stressed about everything I need to do today
numb and unmotivated to even get out of bed
well rested and ready for a purposeful day
anxious about all the unknowns
It’s a bright, sunny day… you can be found…
Working so hard I might not even notice the weather
Getting a little extra vitamin D and fresh air
The sun hurts my eyes, so I kinda hate bright days
Same as any other day -- the weather doesn't impact what I do. I'm a freakin machine.
Something made you take this quiz today, what was it?
In your lifetime, how much loss have you experienced?
Not much
Feel like I’m living a life of loss
None, I'm very lucky (knock on wood!)
More than I can process
Do you know what your core values are?
Absolutely, I've got them written down and I refer to them regularly
Not quite sure what you mean
Haven’t figured it out on my own, I’m living out somebody else’s values
I think I did an exercise on something like this once
How often do you write down a goal and cross it out when you achieve it?
All the time. To-do lists, goal-setting and vision boards are my love language.
I never write anything down but I feel good about all my achievements.
Almost never.
I set goals often but I really stink at follow through and I feel like a failure a lot.
How do you feel about personality tests?
Love them
I think they’re stupid and put people in boxes
I've never taken one
I just don't trust them
Have you ever said YES to something, when you really wanted to say no?
All day every day
Probably, but I can't recall the last time
Very Rarely
Yes I have, but only sometimes
Do you feel as though your career runs your life?
Very Rarely
All The Time
Do you feel as though your kids run your life?
Very Rarely
All The Time
Do you feel as though your parents run your life?
Very Rarely
All The Time
Do you feel taken advantage of by the people around you?
Very Rarely
All The Time
Would you do anything to avoid hurting others?
Yes, to a fault!
In the last two years have you experienced major loss in your life (death of a loved one, miscarriage, divorce, loss of a significant relationship)?
How awesome are you?
100% Awesome. God Made Me.
I am awesome and I know my worth!
I am not comfortable calling myself awesome, but my self esteem is fine.
I am really struggling with confidence lately.
Have you ever self-identified as a people pleaser?
People Pleaser is my middle name
No, I don't even like people.
No, I used to be but now am really big on boundaries and have done a lot of work in this area.
Mmmmmaybe a little bit, but I really like making other people happy!
Last time you made a mistake that negatively impacted someone else… how did you handle it?
Accepted responsibility, apologized, asked for forgiveness, and moved on
Beat myself up for days. It was so stupid of me.
Avoided that person at all cost
Apologized a dozen times
When something upsetting happens and it triggers an emotional response, you usually…
get raging mad at anybody involved
completely shut down
breathe through it and identify the truths of the situation
allow myself to feel my feelings
How often do you find yourself checking-out in the middle of a conversation with somebody?
Not often, I typically am present and engaged if I'm having a conversation.
I’m so overwhelmed, I really struggle to be present in conversations because I'm so distracted by everything else in my head
Pretty often, conversations exhaust me. People exhaust me. I'm exhausted. So exhausted…
I don't really ever have conversations with people in-person.
After an intimate conversation with your spouse or the most significant adult in your life, usually you walk away feeling:
connected and heard
ignored and unimportant
like the only one who actually participated in the conversation
I haven’t had an intimate conversation with anyone in a long time
People have described me as:
During a conflict with a loved one, I find myself…
Eager to end it, and I'll say/do anything to just get it over with
Quick tempered and defensive
Super flustered and not knowing what to do
Conscious of being present and respectful as we work it out
I often feel like…
Others are always letting me down and I feel frustrated
I am always letting others down and I feel like a failure
I have a clear understanding of what I'm capable of and when to say no
Others expect way too much of me and I feel overwhelmed
What does it feel like when you truly forgive someone after they have hurt you?
I feel new freedom
I feel reconnected to that person
I'm not sure I've ever truly experienced this
I don’t believe in “forgive and forget”
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